
For the fourth consecutive year, leading biopharmaceutical provider, ViroPharma, Inc., returnedto 20nine to capture their motivation and steady performance in their 2012 annual report.

It was a year spent working to ensure that their path forward would be clear of obstacles and distractions. In 2012, ViroPharma took a step back to remember why they do what they do: to serve their patients and doctors by reinforcing a sense of hope. By methodically expanding their geographical reach and looking beyond the day-to-day rigors of their business, ViroPharma continues to improve the quality of life for a growing number of patients and doctors worldwide.

Our Mission Has Never Been More Clear was designed not only to feature ViroPharma’s human-centered mission, but also to raise awareness of the unique stories of the afflicted. 20nine met the patients, their families and their doctors overseas to translate raw emotions and real-life details throughout the book.With the use of typographical overlays, stunning photography, and a clear, distinct message, 20nine“lifts the cloud” and makes ViroPharma’s commitment transparent in this year’s annual report.