June 26th, 2020 @12PM EST

The Creativity Leap: How Creativity Fuels Purpose in Life and Work

What is it?

Necessity might be the mother of invention but crisis just might be the mother of re-invention and innovation. We’ve been challenged to use our imaginations to solve everyday problems as well as creatively envision the future for ourselves. Natalie Nixon, PhD, is an author, global speaker, dancer and owner of Figure 8 Thinking, a creativity consultancy based in Philadelphia. Her new book is The Creativity Leap, Unleash Curiosity, Improvisation and Intuition at Work. We are pleased to have Natalie join us in the latest installment of The Purpose First Webinar Series, a journey into the power of purpose and purpose as a catalyst for positive change in people, brands and the world.

Missed us? Check out past webinars

While there are many approaches to “finding purpose,” in this webinar you’re going to learn that purpose isn’t something to be found. It’s to be revealed, through calibrating your insticancts and respecting the resonance of your heart. With special guest: Jessica Joines.

We talk to the founder of PA 30 DAY fund, a donations-based program that is helping small businesses throughout Pennsylvania with infusions of free loans to help stabilize small businesses and keep them back on their feet. With special guest: Jeff Bartos, The PA 30 Day Fund.

Passion &

This webinar talks about a purpose driven restaurant organization that is navigating a chaotic marketplace by putting people at the center of all evolutionary business decisions. With special guest: Chef Chad Rosenthal, The Lucky Well.

Rare Breed

In times like this, it’s important to know what you stand for, what makes you “you” and know how to make it work in your favor in your career. With special guests: Sunny Bonnell & Ashley Hansberger, Authors of Rare Breed.

Navigating Forced Evolution

A webinar focused on the challenges brands and businesses are facing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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